Vriesea fenestralis  in 12cm pot
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Vriesea fenestralis in 12cm pot


£14.5 £13.77


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Vriesea fenestralis, a member of the bromeliad family. It boasts wide, curling leaves. The upper side of the leaves displays intricate lineation with varying shades of green and yellow, while the underside is adorned with maroon spots. Its full open rosette shape adds to its visual charm. During blooming, Vriesea fenestralis produces a pale yellow spike that can grow as long as 24 inches. This species is native to Brazil and typically reaches a height and spread of around 24 inches. This Brazilian bromeliad will add an instant tropical vibe to any environment, it has a unique variegation and sparse red spotting. Relatively slow growing so is ideal for larger terrariums and vivariums. *Comes planted in 12cm pot. Plant Care Tips Water: Keep the tank filled, preferably with rainwater or tap water that has sat overnight. Your Vriesea is sensitive to hard water. Lightly water soil when it starts to dry but remember water is taken in mainly through the central tank. Soil does not need to be wet but should not be allowed to dry out completely. Light: Prefers moderate to bright, indirect light. This plant can also tolerate lower light conditions, but avoid direct sunlight as it can scorch the leaves. Recommended Substrate: well drained growing mix. Humidity: Enjoys high humidity. Temperature: Needs average to warm conditions 18-29°C.


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