Episcia 'Pink Panther' House Plant in 12 cm pot
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Episcia 'Pink Panther' House Plant
*Comes planted in 12 cm pot.
This plant has vivid greens in the foliage, with lighter veining and a pinkish-hue on the undersides of the leaves. The plant has a fuzzy texture and a silver-y finish to its leaves. This plant is able to flower and will produce pink flowers.
A ground cover plant that forms small leaf rosettes and stolons. The plant comes from rain forests, so it requires a lot of warmth and moisture.
How to care for your Episcia -
Water: The substrate must be constantly moist. It requires regular watering so that the soil in the pot does not dry out, but do not allow the plant to sit in water or in very wet soil, as it causes the plant to die.
Light: It does not like harsh light, partial shade or diffused light is the best, so it should not be placed near the south window, preferably near the north window.
Recommended Substrate: The best substrate is fertile, humus soil to which pieces of crushed charcoal should be added. Drainage at the bottom of the pot is necessary.
Humidity: They enjoy humidity, brown leaf tips indicate that humidity is too low. Can be grown in glass balloons.
Temperature: They like warmth, about 20 degrees C. The optimal temperature is 23-25 ° C, at lower temperatures it grows slowly, below 15 ° C it dies.
Fertilizer: Fertilize in spring and summer, every 3-4 weeks with a weak solution of multi-component fertilizers for flowering plants.